Last night I did 30 mintues of Pilates for the first time in... oh, a year.
Tonight I went to the gym for the first time in over six months.
I have learned that it is a lot easier to do pilates when my butt is not screaming in pain. The difference my surgery has made is incredible! Even though the recovery was excruciatingly painful, I am really glad I did it. It is even easier to work out on the treadmill and elliptical now. I must admit, I am very out of shape - I guess being nearly 100% sedentary for five months will do that to you. It felt so good to get my heart rate pumping, and although my legs were screaming at my by the end of my 35 minutes, I enjoyed moving again.
It's so nice not having to pay for a gym membership. Our apartment complex has a small gym (3 treadmills, 3 ellipticals, 1 stationary bike, a couple weight machines) but it's got everything I would use at a real gym anyway. My goal is to do some cardio at the gym 3x a week, pilates 3x a week, and a long walk on the weekends. My job is so sedentary - the most activity I get is getting up from my desk and walking 10 feet to the copier and back. I really need to make time for exercise - I always feel better when I do.
Off to snuggle with my boys before bed...Marley is still getting over his scary visit to the vet to lose his manhood. He adores Milo, he follows him around everywhere and loves to snuggle up with him when they nap. My little man is growing up so fast!
[caption id="attachment_537" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="what they do best ;)"]
Good job! I can't imagine how intimidating starting to workout must have been for you after such a long hiatus.
Ha, I wanted to say to you on Facebook... I've watched a ton of cat castrate ops and they literally take 30 seconds! They are so quick and it's unusual for the vet to use more than a pair of scissors!
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