I can't believe it is June already. It really feels like 2011 just got here and now it's halfway over.
I want to try to slow my life down a little. I know that in 3, 4 or 5 years life could be totally hectic if we start for a family soon. We figure we've got about two years of just the two of us before we start trying, so in a way, I feel like I need to really appreciate that time together. As I get older, time seems to go by faster and faster, and before I know it a year has gone by and I can't even remember what I did with my time. Of course, if I sit down and really think, I can remember what happened. January - we were hermits due to the never-ending snow. February - same as January. March - we bought a house and were crazy moving in. April - wedding, wedding, wedding. May - even more wedding, wedding, wedding (as evidenced by my lack of posting!). June - clean slate?
I want to start and end each month with 1.) my goals for the month and b.) reflection on how the month went. Maybe that will help me to really think about how I choose to spend my time and hopefully, I will feel better when I look back each month.
So, without further adieu, my goals for June:
1.) Finish unpacking. Yes, we are still not completely unpacked from our move in MARCH. I want to tackle the two spare bedrooms. This includes putting all of our winter clothes into plastic bins and moving them into the attic for the summer, setting up my scrapbooking/photo area in the smaller bedroom, and putting up shelving so I can unpack all the boxes with my Disney snowglobes.
2.) Put up a clothesline. I have the clothespins, I just need to get the actual line. I know our electric bill is going to skyrocket with the air conditioners if it gets really hot again, so this will be a way to save a little money.
3.) Quit spending so much time on Facebook. Dedicate only one night to spend more than a half hour on there. If I'm going to be online, it needs to be for something more productive that creeping on people that I haven't seen in years.
4.) Be healthier. This month I want to focus on making better choices. 75% of the time I will choose something healthy on my own. When we go out, I tend to WAY overeat. When I snack, I tend to WAY overeat. When it's that time of the month, I just eat all the time, healthy stuff and bad stuff.
Also, I am in the process of talking John into buying a treadmill or elliptical. We have a sun porch in our house and all it does is collect junk, but it would be perfect for a piece of exercise equipment. I would put the machine upstairs, but then that means moving it downstairs when we have kids and the idea of moving big pieces of equipment like that scares me, so I want to put it somewhere where it can stay. Forever. Anyway, we just paid off our Sears card after buying a washer/dryer/oven. There are really good sales right now (as in $1000 off in some cases!). Also, I have to go over a really old bridge to get to the gym. Next week, they are starting construction on the bridge which is going to be a major pain in the butt. There are two lanes in each direction, and they are closing down one lane in each direction for A YEAR AND A HALF. I am used to the bridge because I've lived in this town my whole life and I have to go over it to get to civilization, but people on the other side of the river are afraid of it. It's going to suck. But back to my point: I won't be going to the gym once construction starts. So, I need something here. In my house. So I can't make excuses. But I won't make it a goal since it's a hefty purchase and those kinds of things need John's approval. I'd like it to happen this month, though!
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