My mom's best friend, her boyfriend was a firefighter in NYC in 2001. He is the only surviving member of his company. I wonder how he feels when he drives down the street and sees that most flags are not at half-mast, or when he sees that there are no vigils, no ceremonies, nothing. Maybe most people did feel that sting every time they wrote the date today, like I did, but no one acts like it.
I know that in fifty years, this wont be as big of a deal as it should be right now. But we are still at war with the country that did this to us - and we all act like today isn't a significant date. My family members are still over in the Middle East risking their lives to defend this country. Whatever your stance on the war - the troops should be supported no matter what. The troops don't say "Well, I don't really support this war so I'm going to sit this tour out." I'm posting the link to my brothers tribute video for 9/11, because I feel like I should do something to remember the victims and families and businesses and churches and schools and strangers who were affected by 9/11, and the troops who are overseas fighting for our country right now.
9/11 Tribute
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