Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I've decided to start writing again. It helps me, I think, to have someone (or something, I suppose, in the case of a blog) to just be able to say things to, without any criticism, or opinions, or advice. That kind of implies that I've got only negative things to say, which isn't true, but I also kind of like the idea of 5, 10, 15 years from now, being able to go back and see what my life was like right now.

Speaking of the future, lately I've been wondering what my life will be like 5, 10, 15 years from now. Not for any specific reason...but it seems like so many things are changing right now. Politically, who knows where we will be in even a year's time, maybe in ten years I will be living in Canada. I'm almost done with school (almost meaning 1 year of undergrad and 1 year of grad school away) and it gets me to thinking about my future...what am I going to do, where will I work, where will I live, who will I live with?

I really think, that in 15 years, I'll look back and wish I could return to where I am right now. What can I complain about? I make decent money, I live rent free, I am learning, I am young, and I am in love with a really good, honest person. I know that I've struggled a little lately with some things that have gone on in my personal life, which is part of why I stopped writing, but really - all of that yucky stuff aside, I am really lucky to be me right now.

If I look back even just 2 years and compare who I am now to who I was then...I am immensely proud of what I've done in those two years. I've learned a lot about myself, who I am, and what I want. I've taken control of my health, I've fallen in love, I've decided on a career path, and I've purchased my very own brand new car.

What I need the most right now, is to slow down and really look at what is important. I am so quick to react to things without really letting them sink in. I tend have a one-track-mind when something is thrown at me, and I want to be able to look at things in a broader light.

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