If you can, you should download a song by Grace Potter & Bethany Joy Galeotti - "I Want Something That I Want." I got mine on iTunes for $0.99 and it's a glorious two minutes and three seconds.
Today I got my Immigration midterm back. I don't remember if I wrote about this, but I took this midterm last Tuesday. It was six short answers and two essays, and it had to be done in one hour and fifteen minutes. No problem, right? No. I took the entire 75 minutes and I had to write the last essay in the last five minutes of the exam - it should have been a five paragraph, cohesive essay proving a point. I pieced together what I could in five minutes, hoping I fit all the main ideas into the argument in a way that made sense to someone besides just me. I was sure I'd lose a lot of points on that essay - it wasn't that logical, or legible, or lengthy. I even told John how upset I was when I got home that night - that I studied so hard for it and KNEW the answer, but simply ran out of time. When she handed them back today, I opened mine up and much to my surprise, I got a 100. It made my entire headache filled day worthwhile.
John and I are going to a pumpkin carving party on Saturday, which I am ridiculously excited for. I love this time of year, and carving pumpkins, and apple cider, and being in good company. Totally looking forward to this.
Oh, and this is what I woke up to on Sunday morning. Be Jealous.
Yes, he cooked me pancakes. They were oh so yummy. He's the best. =)
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