I wish I had more time in the day to eat better and exercise more. I have had so much homework recently that
has to get done - take home exams, lit review, two research papers, and tons of reading - that I barely have time to shower and do laundry. My newest thing is that I want a recumbent bike so I can multi-task: read and bike at the same time. They only cost about $200 on amazon.com, so maybe my parents will feel generous on my birthday? =) Which, by the way, is in 48 days!
This week went by quickly - it's already almost Friday! The Portland Fair is this weekend and hopefully the weather is nice so John and I can go one night...if only for the hot apple cider and silly midway games. My brother is coming home tonight until Sunday, so hopefully we can do something with him too.
This made me laugh tonight:

...because Milo now recognizes the flea-spray bottle and runs like a mad-kitty when he sees John take it out ;)
1 comment:
You know Emilie, I really enjoy reading your blog :-)
You should pm me your address so I can send you a birthday card. 48 days will fly by and then you'll have to join us in the grown up world FOR REAL, where age no longer has any meaning.
Maybe you should disguise the flea spray, put wrapping paper around it or cover it in pictures of mice. hee.
In answer to your question on my blog...I generally see my family once a year, although I've seen them twice this year now because of the wedding. But my oldest cousin I hadn't seen for 2 years, and my uncle I hadn't seen for 3 and a half years. My other aunt and uncle that live in New Zealand...I see them about every 2-3 years. I saw them last May and hopefully they will be here for Christmas 2009!
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