Saturday night my family had our big annual dinner party at the Griswold Inn in Essex. It was a big deal this year because I was deemed old enough to go, and my grandfather was really looking forward to John and I going. It was a lot of fun and hopefully everyone had as good a time as John and I had. I ordered steak for the second time in my life and was thoroughly disappointed with the cosmopolitan I ordered, it was most definitely not work almost $9.00. The steak was good, but I'm still not a huge fan of red meat. The rolls, though? Oh man, I could have eaten them all night, being the carb-oholic that I am. I think bread is the only thing that hasn't been making me want to throw up lately.
Speaking of that, I need to get back into see that specialist. I have been nauseous ALL week, and I think the stress of finals is just making my stomach issue even worse. My stomach is paralyzed and when I eat, the food isn't pushed through like it should be, leaving me feeling sick. It's a side-effect of having an eating disorder for four/five years, and it will likely never go away. It's annoying, but if it's the worst side effect I get, then I'll take it. I am supposed to take these pills before each meal, but my problem is that I don't eat three main meals a day, I tend to snack on little stuff. So I need to go back and find out what else I can do, because it's not fun feeling like I'm going to throw up constantly.
I think I'm calling out of work in the morning, because I am exhausted and feel like I'm coming down with something. My body aches and I can feel a migraine coming on, so I'm figuring it will be better to stay home tomorrow and not feel worse on Tuesday for finals. Speaking of, I still have to finish my paper and study for ALL FIVE finals. My problem is that I can't concentrate with all the Christmas-ness going on around me; I would much rather bake cookies or decorate or sing along to massive amounts of Christmas music.
Also, I have a new love. She doesn't have a name yet, but she is still extremely fluffy and adorable and I just want to eat her up.
John & I at the Christmas dinner. We clean up pretty well =)
Erin and the unnamed puppy. HOW CUTE IS SHE?!
Oh, and I almost forgot! My "skinny" jeans are loose on in, I need a belt to keep them from falling down. I dont know if it's from me being back at the gym (probably) or God just decided to hand me this one little favor, but it has boosted my confidence significantly. Just in time for Florida, seeing as we leave in TWENTY days. I guess I can pack my bikini after all ; )
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