I'm recruiting everyone I know to tell me if they think I should go back to a dark brunette or stay blonde.
If it helps, I'm chopping my hair short again. I know it's short now, but I'm gonna take off a couple inches and layer it like it was four months ago.
So leave a comment and let me know what you think...I'm leaning towards dark, but my parents are insiting I should stay blonde.
I had my Immigration midterm today...I knew everything, I just ran out of time and my second essay is kind of mish-mashed, but still has all the main ideas, so time will tell. I hope I did well, because I studied my butt off. I handed in my Race, Class & Gender midterm too...I'll be happy with a C, I didn't put much effort into it. I have a math quiz on Thursday and still have that big paper to write. I feel like I'll never get caught up. I can't freaking wait to graduate.
I miss Milo. And John. There are 80 days until Disney. I ate PMS cake tonight. Yum. I wish it was Friday.
Hmm.. well I do love your hair blonde, and always wish I could pull it off. However, when it gets colder it's a good excuse to go for a more wintery hair colour, so I say try the brunette again. If you don't like it, you can change it back. I assume you don't mean as dark as mine, a chocolatey brown would be nice.
Now I want chocolate, mmm.
I agree with jen, as long as you dont go tooo dark then i think your hair would be great brunette! Just make sure you wear warm colours to set it off! And maybe a little bit of blusher too. I always get told I look too pale without blusher.
Go brunette! I am! Well, I tried, but it didn't take. So I will try again soon. We can be twins, yay!
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