Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 3...ugh

I could barely move this legs hurt SO bad.

I did do day 3 after work though, and it seemed to help loosen them up but now I'm back to being super sore. It's getting easier, still no walk in the park, but my endurance and strength are improving (except in the lunge/arm raise thing in part arms die about 6 raises before the end!) I haven't made it to the gym in two days because my legs hurt that bad, but I'm definitely going tomorrow. My arms are already more I am hopeful that this pain will all be worth it in the end!

I also found out today that I made the Dean's List with a 3.6 GPA. I'm proud of myself, this semester kicked my butt.

Tomorrow I have an appointment to see a plastic surgeon about my arm. It's been over two years, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do for me. A part of me doesn't want to do anything, I feel like the scars are a part of me. And they shouldn't affect the way people see me...and if they do, they aren't people I want in my life anyway, right?


Sweet Pea said...

Way to go keeping up with the shred, the soreness should subside pretty soon. Though I like to think that it means your working hard and your body is changing, yea.

Hope you appointment goes well with the PS.

feetfloorgo said...

Congratulations on the Dean's list thingy, I don't really understand quite what that is but I guess it's because you're amazingly fabulous and intelligent.

I'm sorry about the plastic surgeon said, but I always think scars are part of your story. But you're right, if people make fun of you or don't understand or whatever, they're not worth your time. But there may always be another opportunity down the road to change it.