Tuesday, December 7, 2010


As I read more about Reverb10, I found that the same challenge was held last year, so I've decided to combine the two and choose whichever prompt inspires me more.

December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

Trying to sum up a whole year in one word is not easy. There are so many big and little things that happen over the course of 365 days - things I have forgotten and things I will always remember. There is one major theme that sticks out to me from 2010 - Wedding Planning. I have spent this year scouring the internet, bridal magazines, and Disney forums gathering inspiration and ideas for our wedding next May. I have daydreamed and imagined time and time again what it will be like to finally walk down the aisle, to dance with John for the first time as a Mr. & Mrs., to spend a week of bliss with the people who mean the most to us. I remember sitting on a bench in Epcot in January with John right after we met with our Disney sales consultant talking about how long we had until the wedding. 2011 seemed so far away, and now here we are less than 6 months from our big day. It doesn't seem real.

So, I think it's fitting to choose anticipation as my word to sum up 2010. I've spent the year waiting, dreaming, and planning for one very important day. According to Wikipedia, anticipation is an emotion involving pleasure (and sometimes anxiety) in considering some expected or longed-for good event. That's about right, don't you think?

1 comment:

Terra said...

With all that you've had going on I think that's a perfect word for 2010!