Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bless Our Home

As promised, here are some pictures of our apartment!

The den, aka Milo and Marley's desk/school things, cat food & water, and other miscellaneous stuff that doesn't belong in any of the other rooms.
Some of John's military awards, they hang in the den because it's the only place where the cats cannot jump up to knock it all down!

Our living room. I love our sofas, they are so amazingly comfy. We are working on getting some art and/or photos to hang on the wall behind the sofa. Notice the basket next to the has all my wedding magazines in it! : )

This is looking out from the den. I love the deacon's bench that John's sister gave us, and I had to get a picture of the mugs hanging from over the sink...John slaved over that for an hour one afternoon.

Our tiny kitchen! It's apple themed. I am starting to love my dishwasher, even though I swore I would never use it after having grown up without one. They are lovely though. : )

Looking out from the kitchen into the dining room. A lot of my snowglobes are on display in the hutch...don't mind the pile of clothes on our table! ; )

Our lovely laundry room / pantry! Overflow food gets stored in here, and I absolutely love having a washer and dryer in our apartment. So convenient!

Our bedroom. The bed is new, and oh so comfy. I can't decide if I like that or the sofas better. The armoire is beautiful, but I was afraid the guys wouldn't be able to get it up to our floor...heavy! We need nightstands for this room...and things to hang on the wall.

I love this picture.

And this one too. Sleeping kitties are just the best, aren't they?

We are so happy here.


feetfloorgo said...


I love that photo of Milo and Marley too... Milo is like, "see the big world Marley, I will show it to you and teach you about it". Awwwwww!

alyndabear said...

Looks great! Your bedroom is awesome... I can't wait to have a place of "our" own, even if I do love our London flat!

Jen said...

I love that picture of your boys looking out the window. Your home looks so cozy and lived in already. I can't wait til we buy our own place and stop renting.