Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the happier me

I've decided.

School is ending soon (!!!). I'm getting married soon - or not so soon, depends on how you see 20 months.

I've always struggled with eating, at least since I developed an eating disorder in 2003.

I've always "dieted" and given up.

I've always worked out for a few months, only to give up.

Not anymore.

I started another blog, one to motivate myself to eat healthier, lose weight, exercise regularly, and overall, to be happier. To find peace with myself, my body, and the way I eat. I'm tired of feeling guilty after eating anything. I'm tired of feeling guilty for not going to the gym (even though I know I have a legitimate excuse right now - who can fit in the gym on top of working full time and going to school full time??).

I'm ready for a change. Now that I'm on my own, I have control over what I eat and how I eat it. It's time for me to put myself first and just DO this.

I made the new blog private because there are a couple people in my life that I would rather not read it. If you want to read it, just let me know and I'll add you to the list. I am pretty sure you need a wordpress user name, but it's free and easy. If you'd like to try to find a happier you too, the more the merrier!



feetfloorgo said...

If you're ok with me reading it, I'd like to :)

CuppyCakes said...

me me me!