Thursday, April 17, 2008


Home from Disney! It was an exhausting trip because we did. not. stop. moving. for. three. days.

I was under the impression that it would be a relaxing trip since I was going with my grandmother who doesn't move around all that well - but good Lord did she find energy from somewhere! We didn't stop for the entire vacation. And trucking around parks crowded with thousands of people for three days during peak season is not my idea of a fun time. Don't get me wrong, I did have fun but I just much prefer going in January when the crowds are at a bare minimum. We had a great time and maybe I'll post pictures in a couple days.

I'm glad to be home with my babies and I am LOVING the weather here! 80 degrees, sunny, no humidity - absolutely perfect. I only have like three weeks left of classes and then I'm done for three months which is the best news ever. And my boss' mom is talking about making me the director of the theraputic recreation department - which is what I eventually want to get into for a career, so that is exciting.

I'm in such a good mood today, it must be this weather!

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