Sunday, April 20, 2008

well well baby what do you know

It seems like my life lately is consumed with counting down the days until classes end.

John and I bought rollerblades this weekend and now he's attempting to teach me how to use them. I actually skated a little bit on my own, which I wasn't expecting. I feel like I'll never get the hang of it, but I did have fun. I think once I figure out stopping and turning I'll be ok, but I'm too afraid of falling, lol.

I need to wash my hair and go to bed, I've been so tired lately. I had a really bad headache earlier today and slept it off while John watched a movie, and I've gotten really tired on and off all day. I realized at dinner that I'm going to miss my brother so much when he goes away to school in August. It's going to be so quiet and lonely at home. OH and I cannot believe gas prices over the last week! We're almost at $4 a gallon, which is completely ridiculous.

It's Sunday night :( Weekends go by too quickly.

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