Sunday, February 10, 2008

let it be

Sunday night are possibly my least favorite time of the week. I hate knowing that I have a whole week to get through until the weekend comes again. I hate knowing I'll only see John maybe once during the week. I hate knowing I wont have any time to do anything I want to do for five whole days. Sunday nights suck. I'm going to try to go to the gym after work/school everday Monday through Thursday this week. And on Friday I want to try getting up early and going before class starts at 9, but that's a long shot.

I helped John put more stuff on his car this weekend. We rented two movies and went out to dinner Saturday, and today we went to the mall and visited his sister. He surprised me with tickets to a hockey game for next Saturday which I'm really excited for. I know he loves hockey and it'll be something different to do. He really is the sweetest guy ever :) Although my favorite times are when its just the two of us staying in, I'm excited to go out and do something, especially because I'm not legal to most things he would want to go out and do.

Everyone is cranky at home right now and it makes for an even more miserable Sunday night. I hate living here sometimes and I cannot wait to get ahead with my money so I can move out. Sometimes I wish I could fast forward my life three or four years. Not that I'm not happy, because I am happy, I just wish so bad that I was more financially stable.

I already wish it was Friday.

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