Thursday, October 2, 2008

i smell birthday cake!

This weekend is going to birthdays, birthdays, birthdays! Saturday we are having a birthday party at John's sister for John's 25th and his nephew's 6th. Sunday we are having a birthday party here for John, my mom's, and my grandpa's birthdays. I went to the mall tonight to finish getting John's presents and have all but one wrapped.

I ordered a cake from C for Sunday, and they are delicious, mouth watering, fabulous cakes, so hopefully everyone likes it.

Speaking of, I hope I can actually eat the cake. I woke up today feeling kinda crappy, and now I'm sick to my stomach, achey, and my eyes are burning. I think this means I'm getting sick. John was just sick, so I most likely caught it from him.

Oh, and today, I was in the women's room at school, and there was a girl who DIDN'T WASH HER HANDS after using the bathroom. GROSS. I read somewhere that like, 1 in 6 people do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. I cannot believe that. Maybe I caught something from the germs that must be on all the door handles from the 1 in 6 people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.

1 comment:

feetfloorgo said...

Ewwww I hate touching door handles ANYWHERE, because I always think of people who don't wash their hands and then I can practically feel the germs spreading over me and I get the heeby jeebies.

I hope you don't get sick, and Happy Birthday to everybody!